Waste Paper

Soft Mixed Paper Consists of a mixture of various qualities of paper not limited as to type of baling or fiber content. Prohibitive materials may not exceed 2% Total Out throws may not exceed 10%
Mixed Paper Consists of a bale clean , sorted mixture of various qualities of paper containing less than 10% of groundwood contents. Prohibitive materials may not exceed 1% Total Out throws may not exceed 3%
News. Consists of baled news paper as typically generated from newsdrives and curbside collections. Prohibitive materials may not exceed 1% Total Out throws may not exceed 5%
Used Brown Kraft Consists of baled brown kraft bags free of objectionable liners and original contents. Prohibitive materials None permitted Total Out throws may not exceed 1%
• Paper Plate Raw Material.
• Old Newspapers.
• Newspaper Waste.
• Kraft Paper.
• Carton Scrap.
• Industrial Scrap.
• Corrugated Box Scrap.
• Paper Shreddings.